Well, today we've been in the helmet for 3 weeks. It seems to have flown by but at the same time it feels like she's been in the thing forever. So weird. But she's still doing so well, hardly even notices the thing is on. She almost seems a little bit sad when I take it off. Funny child.
It has started to smell a little funny in the last week or so. I did some browsing online, because simply scrubbing it with rubbing alcohol once a day seemed to leave a funny smell in it. Now I leave it out in the sun for a bit every couple of days, that sucks the smell right now. Then, after scrubbing with alcohol in the evening, I then scrub with a damp cloth that has a little of her shampoo on it, then wipe it out with a clean damp cloth. Seems to take the smell of the alcohol out nicely. It's not awefull I suppose, at least you can smell it unless you get your nose right in there.
A follow up as well: the whole sleep training thing was a one night fail. Erin cannot cry it out. I did the bed time routine, gave her a cuddle and kisses and put her in her bed. She talked to herself for 40 minutes and then the crying started. So I waited as suggested, then went in to soothe when she didn't calm down. I tell you, when I walked out again once she'd calmed down, then the screaming really started. It just got worse and eventually she was hyperventilating and I gave up. It took ages for her to calm down again and she was still almost crying in her sleep. I've decided we'll have to go with a more gentle method, slowly cut our routine down and work to a point where she's drowsy but awake. It'll take a while but I think she can do it. It'll have to wait a while because we're going on a trip in 2 weeks and will be staying in a hotel. I just know that that will mess up any progress we've made so we'll wait. She's doing well and starting to sleep through without waking or needing to eat. She's done it 4 times now, not in a row however. Unfortunately, this means she sometimes wants to wake up at 5am for the day. Still trying to figure that one out...
The Radish's daddy is away on business this week, which is strange. This is the first time and not that I have a problem taking care of the Radish my myself, it's still very odd not having him here. Oh well, we'll be fine, keep ourselves busy. She probably be way bored of me by the time he gets home, but I'm sure that'll just make him feel like her favorite person. Which he is I think ;).
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