We are more than a week into our helmet wearing experience and the radish is doing so well! She's not letting anything stand in her way.
Went for the check up at the orthodist office yesterday. They just needed to check that everything was going okay and answer any questions we had. I just had two questions. My first was about the car seat. Random, I know. The point was, the radish is still in an infant car seat (the ones you can take in and out of the car, that clip into a base that stays in the car). Our particular seats instructions say that she needs to move to a bigger seat when her head is an inch or less from the top of the car seat. Well, without the helmet, she's just fine. With the helmet, she's getting quite close. I was just wondering if this would affect the safety of the seat, if we should measure her height from the top of her head or from the top of the helmet. He said it shouldn't make a huge difference, but obviously once she gets close to the inch barrier with her head, to then get another seat.
On Tuesday evening, while doing the "one hour of freedom from the helmet" time, we noticed that the radish had a few slightly rasied spots on the back of her head, on the spot that's most prominent and therefore has contact with the helmet. Most of the red patch faded very quickly, as it usually does, but there were about 3 little bumps left that didn't go away within the hour. I put the helmet back on for the night, since the skin hadn't broken and didn't look painful. I resolved to check in the morning and then of course speak to the technician at our appointment. It didn't seem worse in the morning but, of course, hadn't gone away. At the appointment he reassured me that it happened often and was simply the spot where the radish's head was rubbing on the helmet. He didn't want to adjust the helmet too much, as that might slow progress, but he did smooth out the spot where it was rubbing. He also suggested putting vaseline on the spot to help lubricate it a little. If it still doesn't clear nicely, we'll try some hydro cortisone cream on it. He said that if it is still a problem after trying that, to come back in and he will take some of the foam out so it doesn't rub. I hope we don't have to do that, because as he said, we need that contact with the prominent area to stop it from bulging out more.
Other than those minor issues, she is doing just fabulously. We'll go for her next scan in a month, where they'll scan her head again and compare that picture to the first scan and check our progress. I can't wait! I just want to get there and see how much different it is. I'll try not to agonise over it, to avoid being disappointed if there isn't as much change as I'm hoping for.
Since the radish is doing so well (sleeping better than she was before the helmet) I've decided it's time for her to start learning to fall asleep alone. That's right, 6 months old and Mummy still helps her fall asleep for every nap and bedtime. Granted, for the last few weeks, she has been so great about going back to sleep when she stirs during the night, and more recently, during naps. So, since all the colds, runny noses, vaccination after effects and helmet breaking-in are all over with, the time has come. It's gonna be kind of aweful and I'm sure there will be crying (from everyone involved) but we're going to try. More to follow on how it is going...